Become a Member
Membership Benefits
The benefits of belonging to the Texas Hydrogen Association (TXH2) are clear. With membership, companies and individuals receive unique opportunities to interface with – producers and consumers, government agencies, marketing and communications, and regulatory representation focused on building the infrastructure needed to support a healthy hydrogen economy, including exposure to funding opportunities, industry partners, and capital providers.
As a member, you and your organization will:
Participate in proven national advocacy to encourage all levels of government to support hydrogen production and fuel cell technology research, development, and deployment.
Educate the public, media, and end-users on the economic and environmental benefits of hydrogen production and fuel cell technologies.
Discuss crucial industry issues with principal policy and opinion leaders.
Network and build connections with other leaders in and outside of the industry at our meetings and events.
Access to experts in the field of hydrogen production and fuel cell technology, providing crucial insight to keep your organization in the know and ahead of the curve.
Associate – $30.00 US
Membership is designed for individuals.
Benefits include:
● Listed in the member directory of the TXH2 website
● Participate in all-hands calls and general meetings
plus a 10% discount on TXH2 products
Students – Free
Membership is designed for students
Benefits include:
● Listing in the member directory of the TXH2 website
● Participate in general meetings and zoo